MY FIRST MARATHON!! Paris Marathon 2nd April 2023

By Emma Gittins

Turning 40yrs seems BIG!!

So what should I do to celebrate it I thought??.......maybe a party?......maybe a girly weekend away...a big holiday?.......NAH ……let’s try running a MARATHON!!! And …I know…. let’s do it in Paris!!!

WHAT!!!!!! Why did I choose that?! (I kept thinking as it got closer and closer!)

My best friend Becky Davey (also a CMRC member) agreed to run with me! Phew I thought!! I knew I would have full support the entire way around now! (And she’s a nurse so double bonus, in case I need urgent medical help I thought!). The reason I mention this is because I have been quite unwell after running longer distances in training and races. I had completed 7 half marathons up to this point and been sick upon finishing 6 of them! Eeek why do I want to run any further than 13miles? my body won’t cope I thought….?

I started training in October 2022 …..I would class myself as a recreational runner who plods along quite happily 3 days per week, running 10-15miles per week on average (only on days when it’s not raining). I pick and choose when I fancy running – not consistent at all! So, I thought I’d best start trying to up my base mileage and at the same time try and increase my running to 4 days per week.

Things were going well! Then my father-in-law got ill. He had stage 4 cancer and got to the point where he needed more help, so my spare time became a little more limited! Emotionally, I was drained! However, when I could run, it definitely helped me to get through these tough times. It gave me something else to focus on! He passed away end of November – which put a holt to training for a couple of weeks.

January 2023…. start of a new year, back to training!! Totally focused now!! Let’s do it for both of us Dave!(Father in law).

 I did manage to run 4 days per week, running 25 - 30ish miles per week and got into a consistent routine. Although it was winter (and yes it rained) – I still went out and did my runs! I increased my long run gradually and ran 15 miles on my last long training run! I was so pleased! I hadn’t been sick afterwards, I hadn’t wiped myself out for the day and I wasn’t sore or achy after!

But..I thought…..I still need to run 11 miles more than that in a Marathon! It was all a bit overwhelming, and I kept doubting that I hadn’t done enough!!

Friday 31st March -Becky, Martin, Chris and I all met at Kidderminster train station and started our Journey to Paris! Via trains and Eurostar! At this point I was excited and nervous at the same time!

Sat 1st April – We went sightseeing and enjoyed exploring Paris. No race nerves yet! But my shoes were rubbing so I had to change into my only other shoes that I had packed (Nike Alphaflys! Not the best casual trainers) things had started to go wrong! Doubt set in!

Sun 2nd April – RACE DAY! Nice, relaxed morning, our wave didn’t start until 11am but the disadvantage of this was lots of time to get nervous! I’d stuffed my hydration vest with everything I thought I could possibly need including: 12 gels (I only used 6 in the end), electrolytes already in my water bladder, more electrolyte tabs (just in case I needed them) even crisps (for extra salt if needed). I was feeling pretty heavy lol!

The weather was ok, it was a bit cold (needed gloves) but it was dry (no rain, thank goodness). Perfect running conditions!

 Loos were interesting! You had to pee on sawdust and cover anything over with a little shovel (if it needed covering!)

After a delayed start we were finally off!! This is when the nerves stopped and I just started running. The atmosphere was great, and I loved it!

Martin and Chris did a fabulous job of following us around the course and we knew where they would be as Becky was on the phone to Martin, updating him on our progress. It was so nice to keep seeing them! Mile 6, Mile 14ish, Mile 20 and then finally waiting there at the end!

I broke the distance down in my head to 3 x 9 mile runs as it felt more achievable! I’d also made the decision to stop every 3 miles to drink water and have a gel! This all worked well!

The first 9 miles passed! Whoop! My calves had felt a bit tight in the first 3 miles but that seemed to pass. I wasn’t sticking to any pace, I just ran to comfort and thought I will walk when I need to. At mile 9 I thought I’d treat myself to a cake that they had put on the refreshment stands BIG MISTAKE!! I felt sick after this!! (DON’T DO ANYTHING NEW ON RACEDAY! Why didn’t I listen!)

By mile 13ish I felt ok again (thank goodness). Then I saw my old schoolteacher Mrs Mathias who was also running (took some pics of course) she said I was doing really well and that gave me the boost I needed.

Mile 18 (second 9 mile stint done). I had gone over the 15miles that I had ran in training and was in the unknown distance zone now! Will my body cope? I had been stopping for water and taking my gels and I felt ok. I’d had several wee stops – which reassured me that I was hydrating well! My body was starting to hurt a bit now though and when we saw the boys at mile 20 my hips were hurting! Only 6 more miles to go!

Mile 20 to 26.2 – Were the longest 6 miles of my life!! I remember saying to Becky ‘this is too far! It’s a really long way’ she kept laughing and said ‘YES, IT IS!! ‘ . I kept wanting to walk – but at the same time I just wanted it to be over! Undulating roads did not help, every elevation felt like a mountain to climb! My trainers were hurting my left foot now, my hips were hurting – my body felt battered! But I was so close….

850 yards left ...ok where is it??? where’s the finish line I kept thinking? I couldn’t see it anywhere! This was a long 850 yards!!! I turned the corner and saw it! The boys were there cheering us on!! Smile for the camera!!

DONE!!!!! 5hr 46mins!!!! Yes I did it!!! Marathon at 40yrs old DONE!!!

I then burst into tears!! Such an array of emotions (even writing this now I’m in floods of tears!)

I felt so proud of myself!


My conclusion ...I am very happy to say that I am now a marathoner!!!

It is a really long way!!

Training for a marathon is a massive time commitment and life problems will get in the way to hinder your plans and progress!!

But you can always achieve what you set your mind to!!

Your body is amazing, and your mind is even stronger!!

I didn’t collapse and I wasn’t sick and I was fine!!

Running it in Paris was amazing! What an adventure!! I got to see every sight possible, and I felt like we’d had a mini holiday at the same time!

I am so grateful to Becky for running it with me. It is such a long time to be on your feet and I was so lucky to have her by my side the whole way around. Thank you Becky!

And thank you to CMRC because if you hadn’t of got me through Couch 2 5k all those years ago and supported me through every run/race since then I would never have achieved my bucket list marathon!!

If anyone is considering running a marathon…DO IT!!!!


Beginners Group at CMRC aka Couch to 5K (C25K)


London Marathon 2023 done, and it did not disappoint!